mental health begins with jesus Christ! Worship the savior!

NIMH News Feed

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

[I WAS A PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR @ CALVIN COLLEGE] " Mental illness mostly caused by life events not genetics, argue psychologists" - Telegraph

LATER, I ALSO ADDED AN ENGLISH/EDUCATION MAJOR, AND THEN AN M.DIV. ...IN FACT, for a while i was tentatively pursuing a career in retrospect, Im glad that didn't work out...I can't imagine sitting in an office all day as a therapist. God wanted me out & about telling the Good News of Jesus Christ!
But while there has been some success in uncovering genes which make people more susceptible to various disorders, specialists say that the true causes of depression and anxiety are from life events and environment, and research should be directed towards understanding the everyday triggers.
"Of course the brain is involved and of..."
