mental health begins with jesus Christ! Worship the savior!

NIMH News Feed

Monday, March 28, 2016

COLLEGE OF PEDIATRICS COMES TO THEIR SENSES:BOYS R BOYS, GIRLS R GIRLS " Transgenderism of Children is Child Abuse, American College of Pediatrics Rules "

reclassification of children, also known as transgenderism, constitutes child abuse.
"The American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex," the statement, entitled "Gender Ideology Harms Children," began. "Facts – not ideology – determine .."


"God exalted Jesus to the highest place & gave Him the name that is above every other namethat at the name of Jesus every knee should BOW, in heaven & on earth & under the earth, & every tongue CONFESS  that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:9-11